A zine featuring my text on queer art, and images by Sholem Krishtalka, Florian Hetz, and Peter Welz, published by AA Bronson’s Media Guru Editions.

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An excerpt:
I was talking with a friend once about queer mentors and I said I felt lucky to have so many. “Watch out,” he said. “Don’t get trapped in someone else’s nostalgia.” I feel that imprisoning nostalgia less from the older queer men and women in my life than from the queer culture of people my own age, which is sticky with it ; sticky with a desire to remain ignorant of the passage of time, to return to some idealized 1970s of the imagination, some Tom of Finland porn fantasy, when we could fuck without fear. (Left undiscussed: the definitions of we, fuck, and fear.) Ironically, I do not think this state of being trapped in old images is the result of too much engagement with history but too little. We are scared of age, of death, of dying ; we are scared of the gap torn between generations by AIDS, so we run towards images of endless health, endless possibility, endless youth, and endless beauty. Only by engaging with the past can we address the present, cast off what no longer serves us, and move the future forward. Our paranoid Dorian Gray obsession with youth keeps cobwebbed paintings stuck in the attics of our imagination. And we need that imagination, now more thanever. Silvia Federici teaches us that the body was the first machine produced by capitalism. What are our bodies, stuck in Tom of Finland’s forms, producing ? And for whom?