Ben Miller is a writer and historian living in Berlin.

Ben in Eldorado: Everything the Nazis Hate, a Netflix original documentary about queer Berlin between the wars. His next book, a biography of the fashion designer Rudi Gernreich, is currently under contract with W. W. Norton.

Bad Gays

Co-hosted with Huw Lemmey, the smash hit podcast Bad Gays, entering its seventh season with more than 2,000,000 downloads, profiles evil and complicated queers in history.

In 2022, Ben and Huw published Bad Gays: A Homosexual History. A new history of the invention of the white gay man through evil and complicated queers in history, the book has sold more than 40,000 copies in English to date and been translated into Italian (Il Saggiatore, 2023) and Spanish and Thai (both forthcoming).